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Demineralized Whey Powder

Hiroland Demineralized whey powder is a dairy product that is created by removing a significant portion of the minerals and salts from liquid whey, a byproduct of cheese-making. This process involves subjecting the whey to various treatments, including filtration and ion exchange, to reduce the mineral content while preserving the whey’s protein and lactose components.

The resulting demineralized whey powder is a fine, pale yellow powder with a mild, slightly sweet flavor. It is characterized by its reduced mineral content, specifically lower levels of calcium, potassium, and sodium. This makes it suitable for various specialized applications in the food and beverage industry.

More information about this product



Demineralized whey powder from Hiroland, your global dairy supplier, finds diverse uses in various food products, including:
  • Infant foods, Bakery products, Pasta sauces, Dairy products, Chocolate, Confectionery, Ice cream

Discover the unparalleled quality of our Premium Hiroland Whey Protein Demineralized Powder, meticulously crafted and ready for global sale and export, ensuring a superior choice for your nutritional and industrial needs.

Additional Information


  • Rich source of carbohydrates
  • Excellent emulsification agent
  • Enhancer of browning properties
  • Economical substitute for milk solids
  • Our packaging process does not involve the use of staples or metal clamps

For further details on ordering and importing Demineralized Whey Powder from Hiroland, please feel free to reach out to us. Contact Us for more information.


Total Weight                                           25 Kg

Gross Weight                                          25.25 Kg

Length (cm)                                            73

Width (cm)                                             37

<Height (cm)                                            13

Product Specifications

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